Two Bundles of Joy

Sorry I’ve been AWOL!  But I’ve got TWO good reasons for it!  Davis and Mason!

On August 1, 2010–at 35 weeks 3 days–my identical boys were born! Davis was delivered first at 6:18 a.m., weighing 4 lbs 13 oz and Mason was delivered breach 8 minutes later at 6:26 a.m., weighing 5 lbs 8 oz.  Both were 18 inches long.

By the end of the day, both boys had been admitted to the NICU.  We spent the next 1o days teaching the boys to eat well so we could bring them home.

A day before my actual due date, the twins reached their one-month birthday and are thriving!  They are good babies and we are managing some sleep around here.

In just 5 weeks, we’ve already learned a few things:

1)  It’s not so hard to tell identical twins apart when you live with them.

2)  Having twins is not really twice the work.  Just one and a half times the work.

3)  Older siblings dealing with new twins proves to be more challenging than actually dealing with twins.

4)  We may never leave the house on-time again.  (Though my husband would argue I never did leave the house on-time in the first place.)

4 Responses

  1. Your little men are precious!! Great birth weights too!

    Leaving on time… my twins are 4 1/2 and I have not been on time anywhere since Feb 2006!!! Just sayin’.


    • Thanks Crystal! I was shocked at the birth weights. Over 10 lbs of baby is some feat. Sadly I have already given up being on time…any where…ever again! 🙂

  2. I found your blog on Picket Fence and was immediately drawn to it! We have three kids at home, ages 7, 5 and 2 and are in the process of adopting twins from Ethiopia! I openly appreciate any twins advice I can get! Looking forward to following along on your blog!
    Beneath the Acacia Tree

    • Thanks Jamie! Adopting twins will be awesome! Though my twins are only 6 weeks old, I can already tell you the hardest part will be helping the kids you have at home adjusting. Good luck!

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